Adding incoming item batch

When you receive items from your vendor, you need to add it to the "incoming batch" page of Inventory Management.
Following options are available (red color are required fields)
  • Current Location*: The present location like your shop or warehouse name.
  • Arriving From*: Location from where the item has arrived from. This can be same as "Current Location" in case there is no data available.
  • Next Destination: Next destination of the item. This option is useful in case you are transferring items from one destination to another.
  • Category*: Category of the item. Example: Groceries, Fabric, Household Appliances, Fruits & vegetables etc.
  • Item Name*: Item name.
  • Batch No : You can enter you own batch number. TowerBee automatically creates a unique batch number for every entry which is different from the batch number you enter here. So you can leave this blank.
  • Quantity In*: The quantity of item that you have received from the vendor.
  • Record Date*: By default this is the today's date. You can change it. Ideally this field tracks the date on which the record was entered in the TowerBee Inventory Management system.
  • Manufacture Date: The manufacturing date of the item.
  • Expiry Date: Date of expiry of the item.
  • Vendor: Name of vendor from which you received the item.
  • Customer: Name of Customer. We have added this field just in case you need this.
  • Cost Price: The cost price of item
  • Cost Price Discount: The discount you received from the vendor.
  • Discount type: Two options available percentage discount or absolute discount.
  • Selling Price: The selling price. This price will be used to create sale orders fro your customers.
  • Selling Price Discount: Discount on the selling price.
  • Selling Price Tax: The tax rates goes here. Our tax setting is very easy to use. All types of taxes can be created.
  • Currency: The currency to be used for the above price data.
  • Additional Text: Any additional comments that you wish to add related to this stock.

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